Graphene sandwiches that form moiré superconductors (Quanta Magazine)

An unexpected superconductor was beginning to look like a fluke, but a new theory and a second discovery have revealed that emergent quasiparticles may be behind the effect. (…)
Two papers published in the journals Nature and Science described (…) a three-layer graphene sandwich with the “bread” sheets aligned and the filling sheet skewed by 1.56 degrees.
Tunable strongly coupled superconductivity in magic-angle twisted trilayer graphene
Highly tunable moiré superconductivity is observed in magic-angle twisted trilayer graphene, and observations suggest that this superconductor can be tuned close to the crossover to a two-dimensional Bose–Einstein condensate.

Electric field–tunable superconductivity in alternating-twist magic-angle trilayer graphene
The discovery of superconductivity in bilayers consisting of graphene sheets twisted with respect to each other by just the right “magic” angle has inspired enormous interest in twisted materials. Hao et al. constructed twisted trilayer graphene, in which the middle layer is twisted with respect to …